Contact Darin Fong Telephone Darin Fong Audio LLC Email Website DF Audio Home FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 2, 2013 Darin Fong Audio Introduces “Out Of Your Head” Game-Changing Advanced Audio Software That Replicates Listening to High-End Speakers Using Only Headphones San Diego, CA, November 2, 2013– Darin Fong Audio introduces … Continued
Introducing Out Of Your Head
After many long months of development, we are proud to introduce Out Of Your Head software. Hopefully you will think it’s as revolutionary as we do. You can read all about it on the Out Of Your Head web page. Or you can just download a trial version and try it for yourself. Thank you … Continued
Out Of Your Head Licenses Explained
What is the deal with the crazy steps just to buy a software license? OK, I know it’s complicated and a pain, but let me explain and hopefully it will make more sense to you. First, early on, I was told by everyone that copy protecting software was impossible. If someone wants it bad enough, … Continued
Out Of Your Head: Reason 003 – You CAN Take It With You
Imagine being on a plane, but instead of hearing all the other people or the roar of the engines, you can listen to music as if you were sitting in a high end music listening room. Or you can be watching a movie that sounds like you are sitting a $200,000 home theater room. If … Continued
Out Of Your Head: Reason 002 – I don’t like headphones, and I love listening to speakers
OK, onward to reason #2: “I don’t like headphones, and I love listening to speakers”: I know a lot of people who really enjoy listening to speakers and have invested small fortunes into their listening systems. However, very few of them listen to headphones much, if at all. Basically, the sound from headphones is just … Continued