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Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones

Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones

I recently received a pair of replacement pads from Vesper Audio for my Koss ESP-950 headphones. While the ESP-950 headphones are truly amazing for the price, the pads have been a weak point. The stock pads are tin, hard, and made from a cheap-feeling material. So when i saw Vesper Audio’s custom, handmade, leather pads, … Continued

Out Of Your Head Review on the Positive Feedback Website

Out Of Your Head Review on the Positive Feedback Website

A big thank you to Dean Seislove from Positive Feedback for reviewing Out Of Your Head. Here’s a few quotes from the review: “OOYH(Out Of Your Head) is simply fun to use for all kinds of listening situations. Well worth the money!” “First of all, say goodbye to a flat, linear soundstage. OOYH strives to give … Continued