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Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones

Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones Review: Handmade Leather Replacement Pads for Koss ESP-950 headphones

I recently received a pair of replacement pads from Vesper Audio for my Koss ESP-950 headphones. While the ESP-950 headphones are truly amazing for the price, the pads have been a weak point. The stock pads are tin, hard, and made from a cheap-feeling material. So when i saw Vesper Audio’s custom, handmade, leather pads, … Continued

CanJam NYC 2017 – Show Special – 50% off Out Of Your Head

Get Out Of Your Head for 50% Off! OK. We’re not going to be able to make it to CanJam NYC this weekend, but you can still visit us virtually and listen to our trade show demo. (Just put on your headphones and go to our online demo page.) Out Of Your Head lets you … Continued

Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles

Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles Mini-headphone Meet in Los Angeles

We were showing Out Of Your Head at a mini headphone meet today in a recording studio on Los Angeles. (Thanks Luis for hosting the meet. Check out the studio website: It’s always fun to get together and listen to everyone’s gear. We were showing Out Of Your Head running on two Windows machines … Continued